Pursuing the Excellent Life

The Futility Of Incivility - Live Well & Flourish Podcast

Incivility abounds in today's social media, sound bite driven world. Recently, Craig attended a major conference during which a controversy erupted, which led to an unfortunate, but predictable Twitter storm of incivility. In this episode, Craig discusses the causes of incivility and how incivility can affect our individual and collective flourishing. He also provides some suggestions for reducing the effects of incivility.

Links and acknowledgements
Olberding, Amy. (2019). The Wrong of Rudeness: Learning Modern Civility from Ancient Chinese Philosophy: https://www.amazon.com/Wrong-Rudeness-Learning-Civility-Philosophy/dp/0190880961

The Cage of Your Assumptions: https://www.livewellandflourish.com/the-cage-of-your-assumptions/

Live Well and Flourish website: https://www.livewellandflourish.com/

The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, hazel.crossler@gmail.com.

Production assistant - Paul Robert