Pursuing the Excellent Life

The Duality Of Impermanence

Have you ever contemplated the fleeting nature of life, and the unsettling yet profound truth of impermanence? There's a saying in Stoicism: 'Memento Mori', remember that you will die. It's not meant to dishearten us, but rather to inspire us to live fully, cherishing each moment and the relationships we have. We dive deep into the philosophies of Stoicism and Buddhism, exploring how these ancient wisdoms guide us to accept and embrace impermanence. Listen to how personal stories and concepts like 'preferred indifference' can help you harness this understanding to live a more meaningful, fulfilling life.

But it's not just about introspection. It's also about how we interact with the world around us. Seneca, one of the prominent Stoic philosophers, reminds us of the impermanence of our dear ones, emphasizing the urgency to cherish and deepen our relationships. This knowledge of impermanence can also fuel our pursuit of purpose and meaning in life. Therefore, if this message resonates with you, join us on this journey and share it with others. We are all in this together - helping each other live an excellent life!

Visit livewellandflourish.com to listen to this episode.